The Sun Flower Solar Cooker
08/08/11 14:48 Filed in: solar oven | solar cooker
At the time of writing this, the SunFlower is being promoted and sold by someone in Australia.
The advertising for it states that it is 'the worlds best design'. Unfortunately it is a direct knock-off of the Global Sun Oven ®.
While the Global Sun Oven ® is made in U.S.A. by a company dedicated to solar cooking, related technologies and humanitarian aid, this Chinese company looks to be a typical copy-cat, trying to steal of others investment, design and ideas.
As such we can not recommend the SunFlower solar cooker in any way. Even if the unit was (which it isn't) manufactured with the quality products and control of the original it would be a dis-service to solar cooking in general to use, buy or promote it.
As with many alternative energies, the products need to be of the highest quality to last, making them an effective investment and useful tool for their purpose (ie cooking and reducing pollution). Without the creativity, design and investment of talented people in the industry these technologies will not succeed. To steal from these people is to hinder the progress for us all.
We have received a request from the Australian distributor to advertise on this site, which we have declined.
We believe in promoting Solar Cooking for the long term - not just for short term profit making from a few people.
The advertising for it states that it is 'the worlds best design'. Unfortunately it is a direct knock-off of the Global Sun Oven ®.
While the Global Sun Oven ® is made in U.S.A. by a company dedicated to solar cooking, related technologies and humanitarian aid, this Chinese company looks to be a typical copy-cat, trying to steal of others investment, design and ideas.
As such we can not recommend the SunFlower solar cooker in any way. Even if the unit was (which it isn't) manufactured with the quality products and control of the original it would be a dis-service to solar cooking in general to use, buy or promote it.
As with many alternative energies, the products need to be of the highest quality to last, making them an effective investment and useful tool for their purpose (ie cooking and reducing pollution). Without the creativity, design and investment of talented people in the industry these technologies will not succeed. To steal from these people is to hinder the progress for us all.
We have received a request from the Australian distributor to advertise on this site, which we have declined.
We believe in promoting Solar Cooking for the long term - not just for short term profit making from a few people.